Family Addiction Network’s meeting set for July 19

The Family Addiction Network will hold its monthly meeting at the West Long Branch Community Center from 7-8:30 p.m. on July 19.

This month’s presenter is Lynn Regan, executive director and founder of CFC Loud N Clear, which was founded by Lynn and her son in 2012.

Lynn is honored to share her family’s journey through addiction into long term recovery. She will discuss the pitfalls in the traditional system of care and will share the changes that her organization advocates towards. She will also discuss the “gaps” that CFC Loud N Clear spearheads and the importance of aftercare programs in our communities. 

Lynn is a CCAR Instructor to Recovery Coaches, Recovery Coach, CIT, Presenter and Advocate, Educator, Mother of four children and married for 27 years.

For more information, visit or visit the Facebook page Family Addiction Network.