Holbrook 12U team stays tough in District 18 play

By Wayne Witkowski

Holbrook’s Little League 12U team again showed that it never gives up in the District 18 Little League Tournament.

In an all-Jackson championship showdown at Holbrook July 11, the host team beat Jackson, 12-10, to force a second game for the title the following night.

With the win, Holbrook avenged a Jackson victory, 7-6, July 7.

Jackson scored seven runs in the top of the first inning and Holbrook battled back, taking the 12-10 lead in the fourth inning on a grand slam by Gavin Bonitz. Bonitz, who belted a two-run homer in the first inning when Holbrook cut into Jackson’s lead with four runs, has hit five home runs in the district tournament — four of them against Jackson.

Devin Foderaro threw three innings of shutout relief.

“These kids never give up,” Holbrook manager Art Bonitz said in a sentiment he has expressed through the tournament. “They were down, 7-0, and battled back. The long ball kept helping us out. We’ve hit 31 of them by nine players in nine games. If we continue to hit them, we’ll be all right.”

Nick Storaci got Jackson off and running in the first inning with a three-run homer. Jayden Toucher answered back in the home first inning for Holbrook with his solo blast, his ninth home run of the tournament, along with the homer by Gavin Bonitz.
Holbrook pulled to 7-5 in the second inning when Tai Mann slapped a single and eventually scored on a wild pitch.

Jackson regained a comfortable lead at 10-5 in the top of the third inning when Storaci and Matt Potok slapped run-scoring singles in the three-run uprising.

Holbrook answered back in its half of the inning with three runs, as Mike Tamburrino tagged a solo homer and two more runs scored on wild pitches.

But the game had a dramatic finish in the sixth inning before Holbrook’s alert fielding protected its victory. C.J. Allen walked and took second as the next batter struck out. Toucher, playing shortstop, then caught a liner hit by Jason Casper and got Allen out at third on the fielder’s choice. Zach Rogacki, who hit a three-run homer that decided the earlier Jackson victory, grounded a one-hopper to second baseman Jake Hickman, who smoothly played it on to first baseman Dallas Weisse to end it.

On July 9, Holbrook beat Toms River American, 16-7, in Brick to advance to the championship out of the losers bracket. It was the fourth time that Holbrook beat Toms River American in the tournament, twice in pool play and 12-5 in a crossover game in which Jonny Sefick homered and drove in five runs and Toucher belted two home runs and drove in four runs. Sean Yergel also homered and finished with four RBIs.

This time, it was Toucher again as he blasted another two home runs, had three hits and drove in six runs. Sefick and Weisse each homered and drove in four runs, with Sefick collecting three hits. Toucher and Hickman also pitched in relief of starter Steve Davis.

“The team knew this was an elimination game and really stepped up. We really want to play Jackson again, and playing them on our home field is a plus for us,” manager Bonitz said after the game. “Even though we have to beat them twice for the championship, I think the momentum is in our favor. Either way, at least a team from Jackson will represent District 18 in Section [3], and that’s really what it’s all about. We’ve hit so many home runs, and we’re the underdogs. That lets you know how strong District 18 is.”

Toucher has set the tone for Holbrook.

“Toucher has been a leader on the All-Star team this year and my Little League team for the past three years,” Bonitz said. “His timely hitting has been crucial to every victory. His defense is just as good as his offense, if not better, and his baserunning is second to none.”

Jackson moved into the championship round with a dramatic 7-6 victory over Holbrook July 7, as Rogacki tagged his three-run home run in the bottom of the fourth inning with two out for a 7-4 lead. Toucher and Gavin Bonitz drilled solo home runs in the fifth inning for Holbrook off reliever Storaci to close the gap to 7-6. It was the second home run of the game for Bonitz, as four Holbrook hitters connected for five home runs in the game.

Zach Crotchfelt, Jackson Little League’s third pitcher of the game, closed out the final inning with two strikeouts, stranding a Holbrook runner at first base. Potok started but left after the second inning with shoulder soreness. Potok’s status is uncertain for the rest of the tournament, according to Jackson Little League manager Jeff Goekel.

“We have enough pitching depth to carry us through,” Goekel said. “At the very least, I expect him to be able to hit, even if he can’t pitch or play defensively. If we have his bat in the lineup, that’s good enough at this stage.”

Both teams hit solo home runs in the first inning — Yergel for Holbrook and Potok for Jackson. Bonitz blasted a two-run homer in the second inning to put Holbrook ahead, 3-1, before Allen tied it for Jackson in the home second inning with a two-run blast.
Jackson took its first lead, 4-3, in the third inning on a run-scoring double by Greg Carrillo.

Gavin Kus tied it for Holbrook in the fourth inning with a solo shot before leadoff hitter Rogacki came through with his homer.

“I was really pleased with the way the boys played — very sound defensively, aggressive baserunning,” Goekel said. “Despite trailing on two occasions, the team remained confident. We know Holbrook is a very good team but if we play to our capabilities, we have to believe that we can beat them. All tournament long, the team has pitched, hit, fielded and run the bases with consistency. I tell them that they don’t have to play at some level above what they normally do, that if they just play like the boys that I’ve seen all Little League season, then they’ll succeed. All the boys know what their strengths are, so they just need to play to those strengths, nothing more.”

Holbrook Little League 11U

R.J. Vashey struck out eight in 4.2 innings pitched and he, Charlie Meglio and Anthony Abbonizio belted home runs, as Holbrook beat Stafford, 12-2, July 11 in the opening action of the District 18 tournament.

Abbonizio also lined two doubles, as did John Grano. Ryan Kinsman smashed three singles. Holbrook broke open a big lead with three runs in the fourth inning and seven in the fifth inning.

Holbrook was scheduled to play Berkeley at 6:30 p.m. July 13 at Holbrook.