Kudos for passage of open space legislation

As a result of the growing pressure from voters throughout New Jersey over recent months, open space legislation was passed and signed into law to ensure consistent and reliable funding for open space, farmland and historic preservation for the next three years.

Since 65 percent of New Jerseyans voted to constitutionally dedicate money to preservation projects in 2014, multiple legislators have been hard at work creating a strong bipartisan bill that reflects the will of the voters.

The legislation had overwhelming support from both sides of the aisle and is the culmination of countless hours dedicated to protecting open space.

Because of the leadership of our conservation champions, countless projects will be able to be completed and families across the Garden State will benefit for generations to come.

As assistant executive director of the Pinelands Preservation Alliance, I can speak directly to the importance of the consistent funding for historic and farmland preservation projects, and I am thrilled this legislation has become law.

So many legislators dedicated much of their time to this issue, but I specifically want to thank Assemblyman Ron Dancer (R-Monmouth, Ocean, Burlington, Middlesex) for being out in front and standing up for the will of the voters on this critical issue.

Assemblyman Dancer is committed to his community, the voters in the state, and measures that continue to protect and improve the environment in New Jersey.

Jaclyn Rhoads
Assistant Executive Director
Pinelands Preservation  Alliance