What about ‘Game of Thrones’ uneven season?

Question: The last two Game of Thrones episodes were so epic and satisfying, though the rest of the season felt stagnant waiting for these climactic events. Wondering how you rank this season now that it’s over? — Chandler P

Matt Roush: I am still struggling with the notion of how to judge a season that was so frustrating for so many weeks, with each episode so scattered across the map that there was often little narrative momentum, even when individual scenes scored. Clearly, it was building toward something, and these last two episodes are among the very best in Game of Thrones history — so I won’t be surprised if, ultimately, this ends up once again on my best-of-the-year list. Beyond the thrillingly executed “Battle of the Bastards” and the long-overdue retaking of Winterfell — rest in hell, Ramsay Bolton — the final episode delivered on so many promises. Queen Cersei taking the Iron Throne from those odious Sparrows (but at what a cost); Daenerys finally setting sail (with Tyrion & Co.) from Meereen; Arya finally escaping Braavos and getting grisly revenge for the Red Wedding (rest in hell, Walder Frey); the banishment of Melisandre (though I’m sure that’s not the last we’ve seen of her). What a great finish to an uneven season, well worth the wait. And I hope the same can be said when “The Winds of Winter” itself is some day published.

To submit questions to TV Critic Matt Roush, go to: tvinsider.com