HOPEWELL TOWNSHIP: Titusville man charged with smashing car window

A Titusville man was arrested Friday, July 15, for smashing a car window in parking lot of the Stop ‘n’ Shop supermarket on Denow Road in Hopewell Township at 7:13 p.m. on July 6.
A woman told Hopewell Township police she saw the man crouched down alongside the car as she walked toward it. As she got closer, she said, he popped up with a hammer in his hand and fled.
She called 911. The male had smashed out her car window with the hammer, she told police.
The victim and witnesses provided a description of the man and license plate of the 2010 Chevy he was driving. Investigation led police to charge John J.Keane, 31, of Route 546 in Titusville, with burglary and theft, criminal mischief and possession of burglary tools. He was located on July 15 at his residence after many attempts to find him, police said.
Mr. Keane was also found to have been charged for a similar event in West Windsor and had a warrant out for his arrest for $52,000. He was taken to Hopewell headquarters, from where he was lodged in the Mercer County Correctional Facility in default of bail. His case will be forwarded to the Mercer County Prosecutors Office. 