MONTGOMERY TOWNSHIP: Bond ordinance approved that will fund repaving of several roads

By Lea Kahn, Staff Writer
MONTGOMERY — An assortment of roads throughout the township are being repaved, thanks to a $4.4 million bond ordinance adopted by Township Committee.
Pin Oak Road, Dead Tree Run Road and portions of Province Line Road, Rolling Hill Road, Township Line Road and Cherry Hill Road are being repaved, according to township Administrator Donato Neiman.
Opossum Road will be given a fresh coat of asphalt, and sidewalks will be installed on Sycamore Road. There is money for the resurfacing of tennis courts and other upgrades at Lubas Park, Woods Edge Park, Montgomery Park and Mill Pond Park.
Also, the bond ordinance earmarks money for equipment for the Police Department, including an automatic license plate reader, E-ticket capabilities, radar equipment, a LiveScan fingerprint machine, and assorted computer-related equipment.