HILLSBOROUGH: Doctors’ offices OK’d for Route 206 parcel  

By Gene Robbins, Managing Editor
Planning Board members have approved another doctors’ building for Route 206.
Dr. Kumar Ramaswamy received approval July 7 to demolish a house at 668 Route 206 South and build a medical arts facility on the 2.26-acre lot owned by Rose Mary Ajamian.
The residence (which is 149 feet from Route 206) and garage would be demolished and a 4,600-square-foot footprint, two-story building will be set back 133 feet from the highway. The 34-by-250-foot building will be built perpendicular to Route 206 and have eight units for medical offices. Dr. Ramaswamy would occupy two of the eight.
A blank wall will face the highway. There will be 34 parking spaces. The use is permitted in the zoning district.
In the back of the site is a tributary of the Royce Brook, with some wetlands. The current percentage of impervious coverage on the lot is 17 percent, with 28 percent proposed. There can be no construction in the wetlands 