CENTRAL JERSEY: Mercer, Somerset, Middlesex counties included in state’s drought watch

By Philip Sean Curran, Staff Writer
Mercer County and 11 others in the northern and central parts of the state are under a drought watch, the Christie administration said Monday in urging residents of those areas to conserve water.
“We have been carefully monitoring precipitation, reservoir storage, surface water and ground water conditions,“ said state Department of Environmental Protection Commissioner Bob Martin in a news release. “The northern part of the state, which is very dependent on reservoirs, has experienced some of the driest conditions in the state over the past several months.”
In addition to Mercer County, the counties under draught watch include Bergen, Essex, Hunterdon, Hudson, Middlesex, Morris, Passaic, Somerset, Sussex, Union and Warren, according to the DEP.
To save water, the DEP suggested:
• Do not over-water lawns and landscaping. Two times per week for 30 minutes in the morning or late evening typically is sufficient. Use a hose with a hand-held nozzle to water flowers and shrubs.
• Avoid watering lawns and plants during the heat of the day, since much of this water will evaporate without helping the lawn.
• Use a broom to sweep the sidewalk, rather than a hose.
• To save water at home, fix leaky faucets and pipes.
• Turn off the faucet while brushing teeth and shaving.
• Run washing machines and dishwashers only when full. 