Gun control laws have not stopped criminals

The most recent shooting in Munich, Germany, along with shootings in France and Belgium, illustrates a glaring fact. These three countries have extremely harsh anti-gun laws and yet they are among the most victimized by gun-toting hoodlums.

Although I would wager that most people are unaware of this, Ohio has concealed carry permits. During the Republican national convention in Cleveland, Ohio Gov. John Kasich was approached to rescind that law for the duration of the convention.

To his credit, Gov. Kasich declined and although there was quite a bit of turmoil on the streets and inside the convention hall, there were no shootings.

For some reason, terrorists seem to avoid places that allow guns, preferring to shoot up areas where gun laws are strictly enforced. This should be a warning to folks who fall for the anti-gun lobby hysterics, a group which has its own agenda.

But, of course, as the saying goes, “There are none so blind as those who will not see.”

Jacquelin Duffy