Beck continues her fight against hike in gas tax

By Kenny Walter
Staff Writer

RED BANK- Sen. Jennifer Beck (R-Monmouth) continues to wage a battle against the proposed 23-cent gas tax increase, despite the legislation is currently on hold.

“It is the outcry by our residents that has stalled proposals in the Legislature seeking to raise the gas tax,” Beck said. “Recent reports hint that the Legislature will soon reconvene to hear legislation yet again to raise our gas tax by 23 cents per gallon.

“A vocal, outspoken populace was able to stand up to this tax once before. We can do it again.”

The present gas tax is priced at 14.5 cents per gallon.

Beck held a rally at the Tinton Falls Municipal Building on June 6 and told a group of supporters that a proposal to raise the gas tax would have a negative impact to many across the state.

According to Beck, some in the Legislature have proposed increasing the gas tax by up to 40 cents per gallon to replenish the state’s Transportation Trust Fund. Beck proposed in December a plan to allocate $1.6 billion over seven years for transportation. Her plan idea includes bonding and increasing Motor Vehicle Commission fines.

Beck said residents opposing the gas tax can sign the online petition she begun at