Proceeds from RBR’s first alumni game to benefit current athletes

LITTLE SILVER — Red Bank Regional High School (RBR) held its first football alumni game at Count Basie Field against Long Branch, reuniting the oldest rivals in the Shore Conference. Over 2,000 people attended the match, making it the most well-attended alumni game in recent history.

The May 14 game did not go well for the BUCs, who lost 24-0. However, the current and future RBR athletes were the true winners of the game as $5,000 of the proceeds were donated to RBR for its new fitness room. A second donation of $2,000 will also be made to the Athletic Youth Football organization from the game’s proceeds.

“We are very grateful to all the alumni that played and the fans that came out to support them. The proceeds will be used to install a 42-by-12-foot performance turf for athletic agility, strength and conditioning training in our new fitness room. This should benefit our athletes for years to come,” said RBR Athletic Director Del Dal Pra.

Another gift — a picture montage of the players who participated in the game — was created by alumnus Chris Melvin. It features photographs of the players at the game along with their historic photographs from their high school playing days.

“That will hold a special place of honor in our fitness center,” said Dal Pra.