Governor should focus on how to create a safe, secure environment in New Jersey

Howard W. Silbersher, Princeton
The article in The New York Times of July 19 about the dangerous, deplorable conditions of bridges, roads, and infrastructure in New Jersey got my attention.
Only recently, I wrote an e-mail to Mayor Liz Lempert that the Alexander Road bridge going to Route 1, is “an accident waiting to happen.” She responded by making me aware of the Times article.
Considering the draconian, outrageous , high state taxes we pay in New Jersey, where is all the money going? And where is Gov. Christie?
I watched his speech “bloviating” about Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, for whom I intend to vote in November. He declared her guilty in the Benghazi tragedy. He declared her guilty in the e-mail scandal. He declared her guilty in other charges which may or may not be true.
While Gov. Christie is trying to create a celebrity status for himself, appearing on TV shows, positioning himself for Attorney General or some official in a Trump administration, the state that he represents and is responsible for the safety, security, the welfare of it’s citizens, has infrastructure that is indeed unsafe, insecure, and dangerous. And he declares Hillary Clinton of endangering the security of the American people because of her e-mail server!
So, let us examine how and where our governor is guilty. We taxpayers had to pay the law firm of Gibson, Dunn and Crutcher in New York City, $ 10 million dollars to represent Gov. Christie in the Bridgegate scandal. Ten million dollars could pay for a lot of road and bridge repair in our state.
I am sure the law firm that represented our governor is only too happy to be paid the $10 million dollars of our hard-earned tax money. So, I accuse Gov. Christie guilty of wasteful spending! Our state infrastructure — bridges, roads — need urgent repair.
While Gov. Christie is grooming himself to be a celebrity, our state government cannot figure out how to cobble together a plan to acquire the money from our draconian taxes to repair the roads and bridges. Gov. Christie ordered a work stop on all projects in the state. It is his job to protect the citizens of his state. Instead we have an environment that is unsafe and dangerous. I declare Gov. Christie guilty of negligence.
When Gov. Christie finally comes back to Trenton to do his job, instead of bloviating and going around from one TV show to another, perhaps he and our state government can figure out how to create a safe, secure environment in our home state. Thank you. 
Howard W. Silbersher 
Princeton 