Creative Campus Nursery School, Hazlet

Creative Campus Nursery School is located at 215 Middle Road in Hazlet, which is at the intersection of Poole Avenue and Middle Road. At Creative Campus, they offer three classes: Early Experience for 2 ½-year-olds,  Nursery for 3-year-olds, and Pre-Kindergarten for 4-year-olds. The classes are held two, three or five days a week depending on age. During the day, the children rotate through three rooms. The first room has the most structure, where they are learning letters, numbers, colors, shapes, days of the week months of the year etc. This room has circle time, books, puzzles, science, singing, poems and story time. The next room is the art room, where the children can express themselves through their creativity and imagination. Each day the children do an art project that relates to the subject they are learning that week. The last room is the play room. The children get to go outside to the playground, for free play, or they play organized games such as soccer or t-ball. While in this room there is also music, dancing, dramatic play and dress up. For more information, call 732-264-8050 or e-mail [email protected]