Going to potholes

One of the most bothersome legacies of winter weather in at least half of the nation is a preponderance of potholes. Those roadway divots, caused largely by seasonal freeze-thaw cycles, are responsible for $3 billion annually in vehicle damage, according to the AAA in Orlando. This includes punctured tires, bent rims and assorted suspension woes.

To that end the Car Care Council in Bethesda, Maryland, suggests that motorists who traverse pockmarked pavement should pay attention to these three warning signs of pothole-induced damage and have their vehicles repaired by a technician as soon as possible to remain safe:

  1. loss of control, including swaying during turns, scraping a car’s undercarriage on city streets or bouncing excessively over rough roads
  2. pulling in one direction instead of maintaining a straight path while accelerating or braking
  3. uneven tire wear, low tire pressure, sidewall bulges or blisters and dents in wheel rims.
    — Jim Gorzelany
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