HOPEWELL: School board hires Dr. Faye Lewis as new Toll Gate Grammar School principal

By Frank Mustac, Special Writer
A new principal for the Toll Gate Grammar School was recently selected by the Hopewell Valley Board of Education, after a series of personnel changes in the district created vacancies.
During the July 18 board meeting, district officials selected Dr. Faye Lewis, of Hillsborough, to replace former Toll Gate principal Tana Smith, who left the position to fill the vacant principal position at Hopewell Valley Central High School after Michael Daher retired at the end of the 2016-17 school year.
“I’m so very honored to have been selected as the new principal of Toll Gate Grammar School,” Dr. Lewis said. “I’m appreciative of the opportunity and I’m very excited about getting started.”
According to the district, Dr. Lewis will receive a salary of $122,000 for the 2016-17 academic year.
“Dr. Lewis is an experienced principal who has a proven track record of improving academics, school culture, as well as developing strong relationships with students, staff members and parents,” Superintendent of Schools Thomas Smith wrote in a communication to parents. “I expect her to join the Toll Gate Grammar School community on or before August 8.”
During the meeting, district officials continued to tout Dr. Lewis’ qualifications, citing her past experience as an administrator.
“Dr. Lewis has quite a resume. She has experience in an administrative role at the elementary, middle and high school levels,” board member Adam Sawicki said. “Plus, she has experience as an adjunct professor at Rutgers, and a number of other activities that she has worked on. She brings a lot to our district.”
The Hopewell Valley Regional School District Board of Education also approved Jane-Ellen Lennon for the position of as a K-5 elementary supervisor for the 2016-17 school year at a salary of $93,000, effective July 19, 2016.
Ms. Lennon, who lives in Hopewell Township, has worked in the Hopewell Valley school district since 1999, according to the website LinkedIn.com. Her most-recent position in the district was as a teacher leader.
“I am just humbled and honored to be part of the leadership team here in Hopewell Valley and maintain the academic excellence we have in this district,” So thank you again.”
Mr. Sawicki presented some highlights of Ms. Lennon’s resume.
“She’s been a teacher leader for several years here in the district,” he said. “She was point person for the Readers and Writers Workshop implementation and some of our basic skills activities that are going on now.”
Lisa Wolff, the school board president, described the hiring process as very competitive for both Dr. Lewis and Ms. Lennon.
“You had to climb a pretty good mountain to be able to achieve getting selected for the positions that you’re in,” she said. “We know that you are highly qualified for what you do because we put you through the ringer to get you here.”
During the meeting, the board also accepted the resignations of Joseph Feola, a school counselor at Central High School, and Amy Czop-Bartley, a media specialist at Central High School.