Drunk driving crackdown begins before Labor Day

Local police departments will be increasing drunk driving enforcement in time for the Labor Day holiday weekend.

“Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” is an annual, national campaign that includes sobriety checkpoints, roving patrols and public education tools.

Through Sept. 5, local and state law enforcement officers will target motorists who may be driving while intoxicated.

In 2012, alcohol-impaired fatalities accounted for 19 percent of New Jersey’s motor vehicle fatalities, according to information provided by the Division of Highway Traffic Safety.

Agencies participating in the campaign urge motorists to designate a driver, take mass transit or a taxi or spend the night where the activity is held.

Those driving on the road should report impaired drivers to law enforcement; dial #77 to report a drunk or aggressive driver. Also, always use a seat belt.

A person who is intoxicated and traveling on foot should instead take a cab or have a sober friend drive him/her home.