Committee hopeful discusses his ideas

I had to write in response to Diane MacIntosh’s recent letter to the editor, “Writer Supports Pelaia in Freehold Township” and David Segal’s response, “Residents Elect the People Who Will Serve Them.”

I am humbled to have the recognition. I felt it best to answer the question, “Who is this Pelaia guy?”

I am someone who is connecting with residents and explaining that we can stop tax increases by cutting government waste; that we should stop overpaying career politicians salaries double that of other towns and evaluate how salaries in the township are created and managed through the years.

I will be donating 100 percent of my salary; half to create a scholarship, the other half to a cancer center. I will also focus on implementing a shop local program to provide much-needed tax credits to residents.

Lastly, I’m doing my best to answer residents’ questions and concerns like: “How do you run against the mayor every year, how is that possible?” “Why was an $80,000 settlement paid in response to a racial profiling case considered routine?”
“I don’t go to township meetings, it’s their way or the highway.”

I’m not hiding anything and my agenda is to serve all. I would be more than happy to debate all things Freehold Township with my opponent before this important election.

One resident put it best when he said to me, “So, you’re an ordinary guy, with fresh ideas, transparent, and willing to do what it takes to serve all.”

Richard Pelaia
candidate for
Township Committee
Freehold Township