Language, movie services now available through Old Bridge Library

The Old Bridge Public Library has expanded its online resources with the availability of InstantFlix online streaming movie service and Rosetta Stone language learning program.

InstantFlix, which directly supports filmmakers by allowing them to earn money for every minute of video watched, brings engaging stories to movie lovers around the world. Through the IndieFlix link on, patrons have unlimited access to InstantFlix’ more than 7,000 high-quality shorts, features, documentaries, classic TV shows and Web series from 85 countries. Programming includes comedies, dramas, horror, documentaries, animations, classic TV, short films and over 40 other channels and genres.

In addition, thanks to support from the New Jersey State Library, the Old Bridge Library will now offer the popular Rosetta Stone language learning product to patrons. To access the service, patrons click on the Rosetta Stone link on the “Language learning” button under “Database resources” on the library’s website. Online classes are available in 30 languages, including Arabic, Mandarin, Dari and Swedish.

For more information, call 732-721-5600, ext. 5033.