Edison police on Slurpee detail

Staff Writer

EDISON — Several hundred local youngsters exhibiting good deeds, positive activities and acts of kindness around the township have received coupons from police officers for free Slurpees at 7-Eleven as part of “Operation Chill”, a partnership between the convenience store and the Edison Police Department.

“Operation Chill is, literally, a cool way for our officers to introduce themselves, speak with and get to know the youngsters in our community and their parents,” said Police Chief Thomas Bryan. “These coupons are a terrific icebreaker and a nice way for our officers to build a rapport.”

The department has participated in “Operation Chill” for several years since Bryan became chief in 2008.

Slurpee coupons have been given to youngsters the officers observed using bicycle safety equipment, helping their parents and neighbors with chores, picking up litter and taking care of younger siblings, the chief said.

“These interactions are part of what community policing is all about,” said Bryan. “Our officers are getting a very positive reaction. I think they are almost as excited to give out these Slurpee coupons as kids are to receive them.”

The coupons can be redeemed at one of the seven 7-Elevens in town or at any of the convenience stores elsewhere in the state.

Operation Chill was developed by 7-Eleven in 1995 to positively reward and encourage good behavior by kids during the hot summer months. This year, 7-Eleven expects 1.28 million coupons will be issued nationally during summer months and back-to-school season.

Since the program began, more than 15 million coupons have been distributed to hundreds of law enforcement agencies across the country in areas where 7-Eleven operates stores.