Friends of library plan special event

By Kenny Walter
Staff Writer

JACKSON – Visitors to the Jackson Library will soon be able to use the position of the sun to tell time.

The Friends of the Jackson Library, which is a volunteer organization that raises funds to support the library, will hold a ceremony at 11 a.m. Sept. 9 at the library, 2 Jackson Drive, and dedicate a sundial to founding member Judy Friend.

Friend died in February 2015.

According to an obituary posted online, Friend was a native of Illinois who settled in
New Jersey in 1977. Her obituary states that she had a lifelong love of libraries. In addition to her volunteer work with the Friends of the Jackson Library, Friend was also a member of the Westlake Women’s Club.

Linda Lafer, the vice president of the volunteer organization, said, “The point of the ceremony is to dedicate a sundial and the reason it is so special is because it is in memoriam to a founding member of the Friends of the Jackson Library. A lot of contributions that were made on her behalf went into this.”

Lafer said she hopes people will take time to learn about the sundial.

“It is an educational tool to have a sundial and for children to see it displayed,” she said.

Members of the Friends organization and Township Council Vice President Ken Bressi are expected to speak at the dedication ceremony.

“(The Friends) support the library by raising money, primarily with a yearly book sale,” Lafer said. “The money from the book sale goes to support the library with capital improvements … as well as supplementing programs.”