Edison joins Drive Sober crackdown

Staff Writer

EDISON — Township police are joining many other police departments by participating in the state’s largest annual crackdown on drunk driving — conducting sobriety checkpoints and stepping up roving patrols for motorists impaired by alcohol or drugs.

The annual nationwide “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” initiative, sponsored throughout New Jersey by the state Division of Highway Traffic Safety started last weekend and runs through Sept. 5.

“With Labor Day Weekend approaching, our officers will be very visible on neighborhood streets as well as major roads throughout Edison,” said Police Chief Thomas Bryan. “We want people to have a fun and enjoyable holiday weekend. The best way for everyone to do that is safely.”

Bryan said Edison police officers are constantly vigilant for impaired and distracted drivers.

“It’s about saving people’s lives,” he said, adding that special enforcement initiatives like the state initiative certainly help raise public awareness.

Gary Poedubicky, acting director of the Division of Highway Traffic Safety, said if drunk driving were eliminated, more than 150 lives would be spared each year in New Jersey.

“Many people believe that after a few drinks they are still safe to drive,” Poedubicky said. “Even one drink can impair your judgment and reaction time, putting you and everyone else on the road in danger.”

Using education, high-visibility enforcement and a no-excuses approach, police departments “send a strong message that drunk driving will not be tolerated,” he added.