Library to launch One Town, One Book program

By Mark Rosman
Staff Writer

ALLENTOWN – “The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry” (2014) by Gabrielle Zevin will be the first book residents of Allentown and Upper Freehold Township read as a community in the Allentown Library’s One Town, One Book initiative.

The library, Main Street, will host a launch party for One Town, One Book on Sept. 20. Discussion groups and related activities will follow through November.

Library board members Colleen Henkin and Karen Sensi are coordinating the program.

Henkin said, “Community-wide reading programs were originated by the Washington Center for the Book (at the Seattle Public Library). Their purpose was to have people coming together through the reading and discussion of a common book.

“It is a way to have the community connect by having a shared reading experience. It is a great conversation starter and it is like having a community book club. Our theme is Read. Engage. Together.

“We are excited to bring this experience to our community. We look forward to seeing community members chatting about the book while shopping downtown, when meeting up with neighbors out for a walk, or anywhere,” Henkin said.

According to a description of “The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry” on, “A.J. Fikry’s life is not at all what he expected it to be. He lives alone, his bookstore is experiencing the worst sales in its history, and now his prized possession, a rare collection of Poe poems, has been stolen. But when a mysterious package appears at the bookstore, its unexpected arrival gives Fikry the chance to make his life over – and see everything anew.”

One Town, One Book is intended for adults, men and women. Henkin said while the main character, A.J. Fikry, is male, there are several female characters in his life as well.

The One Town, One Book launch party will be held at 7 p.m. Sept. 20 at the library. Residents of Allentown and Upper Freehold Township are invited to come and learn about the selected book. There will be light refreshments, a short reading from the book and copies available for sign-out.

There will be two “book club” style open discussions at the library. Anyone is welcome to come and participate in a discussion, Henkin said.

For more information about One Town, One Book, visit

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