Unity Bank announces 25 Years of Serving the Community Giveaway

Unity Bank is celebrating its 25th anniversary by giving away $25,000, with 25 people each receiving $1,000 in the bank’s 25 Years of Serving the Community Giveaway. The bank’s 25th anniversary is Sept. 16.

There is no purchase required to enter the contest. Please visit www.unitybank.com to enter and see contest rules. Contest registration, which is open until Dec. 15, also is available through the bank’s Facebook page: www.facebook.com/unitybanknj/. Unity will announce five winners on each of the following dates: Sept. 19, Oct. 17 and Nov. 19, and announce 10 winners on Dec. 19.

Contest participants only need to supply a name, phone number and email address to enter. Those registering for the contest also have the optional opportunity to share a story about themselves, a business, or organization that has served the community for 25 years or more and how they make a difference in the community. The bank will host a “wall of sharing” on UnityBank.com to highlight the stories and share them on social media.