Clinton will move us toward socialism

It was evident through the Obama election cycles that the liberal leaning media is aiding and abetting a move toward socialism in America. Actually, many have come short of endorsing Hillary Clinton and her socialist agenda and continue to insult the intelligence of their readers by using Gov. Chris Christie’s involvement in the Donald Trump campaign as an excuse to go off the rails in their biased reporting on the Trump candidacy.

Hillary Clinton is pushing a false “I care about the little guy” image to win over the less advantaged in this country and it truly is nauseating. Is Hillary really an angel doing good works through the Clinton Foundation or has she amassed a fortune peddling influence for her own enrichment?

How about more reporting about the Clinton Foundation and the mechanisms by which the Clintons have gone from being “broke” to one of the world’s wealthiest couples?

A Clinton presidency could mean that we become a socialist country with a dynasty of the very rich; a country where there is a redistribution of the wealth of the middle class into failing social programs, while their fortunes remain intact. Get the picture?

Rose Ann Scotti
Colts Neck