Hightstown honors Girl Scout Troop No. 70105

The mayor and council presented proclamations of appreciation to each of the members of the Girl Scout Troop No. 70105 and their troop co-leaders Ms. Jennifer DiGioia and Susan Vagrin during the Hightstown Borough Council meeting Aug. 15.
“On behalf of the Hightstown Borough Council, we would like to express our sincere appreciation for the continued work you and Girl Scout Troop No. 70105 do in the preservation of the World War II Memorial Garden,” said Mayor Larry Quattrone. “Since 2011, your troop has worked to maintain the garden. It means so much to us that the girls take time to contribute to the betterment of the borough.”
The troop started planting the WWII Memorial Garden in the fall of 2011 after the flooding from hurricane Irene and the girls have planted it every spring since then. It’s their favorite service project and they take great pride in it each year.
The mayor thanked the troop once more before concluding the presentation saying, “We hope that you share great pride with the residents of Hightstown for the efforts put forth by these young ladies. Thank you!”