Nails in the Wall to exhibit ‘Great Spirits Among Us’ beginning Sept. 24

“Great Spirits Among Us: Saints, Prophets, Holy People,” an exhibition of visual arts, showcases the goodness at the heart of every human person. The exhibit opens Sept. 24, 2-5 p.m., with live music and refreshments, provided by the Metuchen Inn, and is free and open to the public. Presentations and an Artists’ Conversation will take place at 3 p.m. Nails in the Wall, the Gallery at St. Luke’s, the Metuchen exhibition space sponsored by St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, 17 Oak Ave., Metuchen, will begin its fifth year with this exhibit, showing work by 44 artists across the country and Austria.

The exhibit is an inclusive mix of 70 pieces of art. Human personhood, the best of who we are, expressed through realistic human images, are presented in this exhibit through a great variety of media, from bronze, wood and ceramic sculpture, to a handmade book; from collage and watercolor to drawings and oil paintings.

The exhibit will be displayed through Dec. 31, 2016; check for daily open times.