Art show reception to be held at Metuchn Borough Hall Sept. 25

All are invited to an art show by children, teens and adult students of the Westerhoff School of Music and Art at Metuchen Boro Hall, Main Street, on Sept. 25 from 1-3 p.m.

The art works represent a wide range of media including acrylic, gouache, watercolor, aquatints, collage and charcoal.

The Westerhoff art director and curator of this show, Mickey Waring, commented, “The adult works were created in a Westerhoff program affectionately called ‘Running Wild.’ Some of the students are working artists and some simply engage in art for the sheer pleasure of it.”

The show is part of the Annex Gallery in Borough Hall. The Gallery is devoted to works of art by local children, and past shows have included works from art classes at Campbell School, Edgar School, Metuchen High School and St. Francis School as well as private art schools in Metuchen.

The Annex Gallery shares space with the Rotunda Gallery at the entry to Metuchen Borough Hall. The Rotunda Gallery displays works by visual artists with the intent of adding ongoing interest and beauty to a public building.

The Rotunda and Annex Galleries are overseen by a board that strives to bring high quality art to Metuchen, and the board works closely under the auspices of the Metuchen Arts Council. Board Director Kathy Glaser said, “The quality of the works are outstanding, and what is especially impressive are the very sophisticated work by students just 10 and 11 years old.”

For information about fall art classes at Westerhoff, contact Mickey Waring at the school (5 Calvin Place) or at 732 548-8680.

An additional exhibit is currently on view at the Metuchen Library by Westerhoff Art Director Mickey Waring. This show features Rathoven, a talented rat who is artist, poet, philosopher and chef. Represented in the show is a Library and Studio setting including his works of art and books. A reception for this showcase will be held on Oct. 9 from 1-4 p.m., at the Metuchen Library. All are welcome.