Don’t fall behind this fall

By Maria Clemente

Summer is fleeting and the first day of school is drawing near. As summer dials down, worries may dial up with the start of school in sight. The beginning of the school year presents a number of inevitable changes — new school, new friends, different teachers, challenging homework, athletic tryouts, etc. While change can present an exciting endeavor, it can also be anxiety provoking. Change is often uncomfortable and as a result we sometimes shy away from it. In doing so, we close ourselves off to endless opportunities. Parents and children can work together to build the confidence necessary to welcome change, instead of avoiding it. The aim is personal growth, and change is a catalyst for growth. Parents can work with their children to invite change into their lives and use it to propel them forward. Here are some methods that can help alleviate anxiety associated with change:

1) Breathing

We often take for granted how powerful our breath can be. If you see your child becoming anxious, try this: Count down from 10 to 1. Starting at 10, inhale deeply through the nose. Then at 9, exhale slowly through the mouth. Continue this pattern until you reach 1. Repeat as necessary. Focusing on the breath takes attention away from worrying and helps to calm the nervous system.

2) Communication

Do you take time to communicate with your child? How in tune are you to their needs? Scheduling time to be present with your child is paramount to understanding their stressors and worries. Being an active presence in their lives allows for them to know they have you as a resource in times of need. Whether it is eating dinner together or a chat before bed, it’s important to make time to talk.

3) Refocus on strengths

When you start noticing “negative talk” in your child, interrupt it. Maybe they are concerned about making it onto a sports team, or nervous about navigating around new school. Refocus your child’s thoughts onto their past successes. They have encountered new things before, and have overcome obstacles in the past. Use their accomplishments and strengths as ammunition to build confidence to tackle their next obstacle.

Don’t give back-to-school anxieties a chance to take over and set your child back. Work with them to invite change into their life and start the school year empowered!

Maria Clemente is a clinical intern at Integrated Care Concepts & Consultation, 18 Kings Highway, Suite 206, Middletown. For more information, call 732-389-0697 or visit