Thank America’s Teachers award ceremony slated Oct. 5

Music students at Colonia Middle School in Woodbridge Township will benefit from a $2,500 Farmers Insurance grant awarded by the company’s Thank America’s Teachers program. The award ceremony will take place at 10 a.m. on Oct. 5 in Room 117, Colonia Middle School, 100 Delaware Ave., Colonia. Mayor John E. McCormac is scheduled to attend the ceremony, along with local school and Township officials.

This past summer, Mark Willenbrock, the school’s instrumental music teacher, created a project proposal that received enough public online votes to be among 60 teachers nationwide selected for the education grant. The money will be used to purchase much-needed new sound equipment and instruments for Colonia Middle School’s growing music program.

Mr. Willenbrock’s winning proposal was sponsored by two local Farmers Insurance agencies, the Maria Portales Agency in Woodbridge, and the Edward van Eckert Agency in Metuchen.

For more information, call the Maria Portales Agency at 732-634-7777 or the Edward van Eckert Agency at 732-548-4444 or visit