Pennington Market has supported community

To the editor: 
I have been a Pennington Market customer for over 20 years. I was annoyed reading the “Shoppers won’t patronize Pennington Market” letter in last week’s Hopewell Valley News.
The Rothwell family has done nothing but contribute, contribute, contribute to Hopewell Valley. They have supported the Hopewell Valley school district and all sports teams, community organizations (i.e. Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts), local businesses, local religious organizations and numerous fundraising activities (cancer research, etc.). Pennington Market is always there to support the Hopewell Valley community.
Should the Rothwells ever decide to step back and not provide our community with their generous, gracious and unwavering support, I hope Hopewell Valley will be able to count on Mr. and Mrs. Clarke to step up and take Pennington Market’s place. 
Cynthia Kelly 