Pine Belt promotes ‘Beyond the Laces’

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LAKEWOOD – What has happened to the world of sports? Where once professional sporting events were a welcome distraction from all of the world’s unpleasantries, they now seem to serve up the same turmoil that used to be only seen each night in the political news. It seems the positive in sports is so needed now, probably more than ever.

Yet, in spite of this antagonism and division, there are so many unreported professional athletes who are involved in building and guiding those of our nation, maybe especially those of our youth. Take for example Victor Green, former star defensive back who played mostly with the New York Jets. Among his many honors as a professional, Green’s passion for excellence and the game of football was never more evident than in 1995 and 1996 when Green led the NFL in tackles.

It was also in 1995, that Green designed the Victor Green Foundation and Professional Partners for Youth Development as a nonprofit organization that was determined to be a bright spot in the community where Green grew up. To this day, the organization offers school tutoring, mentoring, college preparatory work and scholarships for outstanding academic improvement and achievement.

Victor Green, among other professional athletes, is leaving a more long-lasting, positive impact on our nation, especially our youth. As Victor Green has said so often regarding achievement, “If kids don’t see it, then they can’t be it.”

It is this message that has caused Green to partner up with Bob Salomon. Salomon, along with co-author Rick Young, have written the book “Beyond the Laces that speaks to the often overlooked beneficial impact professional athletes have on families, adults as well as children.

Their mission is to inspire children and families through kindness. He and his team have built relationships with professional athletes such as Victor Green, Mark Brunell, Doug Glanville, Don Mattingly and many others who share his desire to make a positive impact by showing that people do care and focus on the positive.

Pine Belt Enterprises, located in Lakewood, has always had a strong commitment to their community. What Green has done, along with many other similar organizations, is something the Pine Belt family truly believes in.

“We have to inspire the youth of America. They need to have positive role models, such as Victor Green. Too many times we are seeing professional athletes conduct themselves in a manner that is detrimental to our youth. Victor’s message is such a positive one, and it should be followed nationwide,” said Rob Sickel, executive manager of Pine Belt Enterprises.

This is just one of many community events and organizations that Pine Belt is proud to support. They have also sponsored charity events with Mariano Rivera and the Jersey Shore Sports Awards, which recognized the athletic and academic achievements of local high school students. Pine Belt gave out scholarships to students who were headed to college.

With the message by Green and the support of the community, as Pine Belt has done here, it shows that when you do good things, good things do happen. And these good things will unite, rather than divide. Like “Beyond The Laces” that’s a story worth telling!