Art exhibit and reception set for Sept. 25

Westerhoff School of Music and Art’s art exhibit and reception, featuring Westerhoff students from age 10 to adult, will be held from 1 p.m.-3 p.m. on Sept.25 at Metuchen Borough Hall’s Annex Gallery, Main Street and Middlesex Avenue, Metuchen.

The public is invited to attend. The media is welcome and has the opportunity to interview Exhibit Curator Mickey Waring as well as many of the artists represented in the show. The art works represent a wide range of media including acrylic, gouache, watercolor, aquatints, collage and charcoal. The show is part of the Annex Gallery in Borough Hall. The Gallery is devoted to works of art by local children, and past shows have included works from art classes at Campbell School, Edgar School, Metuchen High School and St. Francis School as well as private art schools in Metuchen.

The Annex Gallery shares space with the Rotunda Gallery at the entry to Metuchen Borough Hall. The Rotunda Gallery displays works by visual artists with the intent of adding ongoing interest and beauty to a public building. The Rotunda and Annex Galleries are overseen by a board that strives to bring high quality art to Metuchen, and the board works closely under the auspices of the Metuchen Arts Council.

For more information about the Annex Gallery, contact Jane Leal at [email protected] or call 732-983-2291.