Meet the Mayor series to kick off Sept. 29

The Jamesburg-Monroe Regional Chamber of Commerce and First Bank will host their first Meet the Mayor Breakfast Sept. 29 at Forsgate Country Club, Monroe. Registration will begin at 8 a.m. The program will follow at 8:30 a.m.

Gerald W. Tamburro, mayor of Monroe, will discuss affordable housing. The event will feature breakfast with local professionals and the speaker’s program.

Seats are limited. Tickets cost $20 each for Chamber of Commerce members, $25 for nonmembers. A breakfast buffet is included. To reserve, email Cindy Robin Herrera at [email protected].

The next installment in the Meet the Mayor series will be an Oct. 27 luncheon at Forsgate Country Club with the mayor of South Brunswick, Frank Gambatese. Registration will begin at 11:30 a.m.

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