South Brunswick High School cleared of mold

SOUTH BRUNSWICK – Five classrooms that showed the presence of mold at the beginning of the school year have been cleared.

“The circumstances that created our mold occurrence involved the combination of a malfunctioning air handler, high humidity and high temperatures unabated by fresh air. The air handler in question serviced 11 rooms, five of which required professional cleaning, but the building is serviced additionally by 25 similar units. Out of abundant caution and concern for the health, safety and welfare of all who inhabit South Brunswick High School, we deemed it necessary to assess the total air quality of the entire school,” Superintendent Gary McCarthy, Principal Peter Varela and Assistant Principal April Gonzalez said in a joint statement released by the school district on Sept. 21.

In an effort to ensure a clean, safe and mold-free environment, 93 air quality tests were taken and laboratory analyzed by a New Jersey certified company. This included locations such as classrooms, hallways, stairwells, locker rooms, team rooms, faculty rooms, gymnasiums, cafeterias/serving areas, and additional common areas.

“We are very pleased to report that all of the air samples provided acceptable results when compared contemporaneously with outside air,” the statement said.

The three administrators noted that the health and safety of the students and staff members were of first priority.

“We took immediate action upon learning of the condition by sequestering the affected areas, relocating classes and sharing this information with parents and staff. As the clean-up continued and concern levels increased, the above described action was taken to assure all that a healthy school environment exists. None of this is to suggest that we do not have leaking roofs and leaking pipes from time to time that stain ceiling tiles and create concern. These situations will be reported by staff and repairs will occur as quickly as possible,” the statement said.