Monmouth Players to stage ‘Post Mortem’

The Monmouth Players will present Ken Ludwig’s “Post Mortem” at 8:15 p.m. Sept. 30 and Oct. 1 and at 2 p.m. Oct. 2 at the Navesink Arts Center in the Dean K. Anderson Theater, 149 Monmouth Ave., Atlantic Highlands.

In 1922, William Gillette, famous playwright, actor and heartthrob gathers his guests at his magnificent medieval castle on the Connecticut River. Best known for portraying Sherlock Holmes for 30 years, Gillette must play his most important role — becoming a detective and trying to discover which of his guests is attempting to murder him.

General admission is $20, $17 for seniors and students and $10 for veterans. Coffee and homemade desserts will be available. Reservations are required. For further information or to make reservations, call 732-291-9211 or visit