Resident supports Holmdel candidates

I am writing in support of Mayor Eric Hinds and Mike Nikolis running for re-election and election, respectively. I have lived in Holmdel my entire life and I am now raising my family here. I didn’t realize until I went to college how fortunate I was to be raised in such a wonderful place. As a child, we were afforded so many memorable experiences thanks to Ines Csulak and her recreation department that offered so many opportunities for families to get together with others in our community to celebrate our hometown.

My husband and I attended all four schools here in Holmdel, and our children are going through them now. I work very hard volunteering in all the schools, township, church and more trying to recreate the memories I had as a child for my family … trying to bring it all back yet also wanting our town to move forward and offer the best of the best. Eric Hinds saw this and knew me as he coached both of my sons when they were younger and our families became friendly.

When he ran for Township Committee, I voted for him because of the experience I had with him as a leader and a coach for our teams and I could envision the success he’d have being a leader in our town. After he had some experience on Township Committee, he approached me and asked if I would help him. He knew I was connected to many families in town through my volunteerism.

He knew I grew up here and how much I love Holmdel, and he knew I had the history and the future of what could be in mind, and we felt the same about keeping the Holmdel momentum moving forward. So, we started working together, brainstorming, getting feedback from families, seniors, from all residents on what they would want in Holmdel; what the positives and negatives are; how we could collaborate with all … he wanted this and to this point I had never experienced anyone as excited about the possibilities nor anyone who wanted it bad enough that he would do all he could to make it happen.

It’s been almost three years now since I accepted his offer to help. This man who has a full-time paying job as a senior VP at Merrill Lynch, who also coaches, who also sits on various charities and who as the mayor of this town has paid me out of his own pocket for three years to help him make Holmdel greater. It means that much to him and I am proud to work with him.

Most have no idea the time and energy he gives to our town; some of it is visible, some not. He is always working for Holmdel. His heart and soul is in this town — he grew up in Monmouth County, he knows what it was like too. He has created many successful programs already, such as the Community Clean-up day, the monthly electronic Newsletter and the Networking Event which takes care of our own graduates. It’s time to get Holmdel going again — it’s happening, we are slowly coming back; Bell Works is big and it’s awesome and it’s a start. Now we need more and he wants it for us, for all of us. Mike Nikolis does too.

Mike Nikolis is president of First Aid and has served on many committees in town for many years, and he cares so much about this community where he is raising his two children who are in Village and Satz Schools now. His wife grew up here with me too. They get it … they know what it could become, and Mike is one of the most honest and fair and upfront people I know. He is a perfect addition to our Township Committee. He is a dedicated first responder and he is everywhere — always volunteering and helping all in town from scouts to chaperoning Project Graduation. He’s here and wants to be a part of the solution — he has so much to contribute. Holmdel would truly benefit having Mike Nikolis as part of our leadership.

I am not a political person. It’s not about politics, it’s about improving our community. I would not still be working for Eric if I thought he was anything but an honest, motivated leader with a huge heart who truly wants the best for all of the residents. Those who know me know this is true … I would walk away. I’m not going anywhere because these two men can lead us where we belong. We are well on our way because of them and I am so grateful. Please vote for Eric Hinds and Mike Nikolis on Nov. 8.

Debbie Brew