Helpwell program can use your expertise

To the editor: 
In his letter the editor dated Sept. 16, concerning the school district special referendum, Roger Haight described a collaborative high school mentoring program in which he shares his professional experience with high school students.
A very similar program exists here in the Hopewell Valley, called Helpwell. As an entirely volunteer effort and with strong support from the Hopewell Valley school board administration, Helpwell is a district-wide program set up to capitalize on the many talents and skills of the parents and members of the extended Hopewell community. Helpwell recruits and matches community volunteers to come into our classrooms and work with our teachers to enhance their curriculum. Opportunities exist for parents and community members to support teachers within the classroom and administrative functions as well.
Over the last six years, Helpwell has coordinated and hosted several career days at Timberlane Middle School and has provided speakers for Career Lunch and Learns at the high school. Additionally, we’ve invited local professionals to come into the classroom and share their professional experience and expertise with our students at both TMS and HVCHS and the elementary schools. Several of these professionals have developed relationships with our teaching staff and have become regular contributors to the classroom.
As Mr. Haight notes, this program “costs nothing but donated time” and, additionally, a willingness to share your passion and expertise with the next generation of scientists, doctors, lawyers, teachers, artists, etc. We’d love to continue to grow this program here in Hopewell. If you’d be willing to donate some of your time to share your expertise, let us know. Please contact Nancy Barich at [email protected]. 
Nancy Barich 
JoAnn Markiewicz 
Kathleen O’Connor 
Hopewell Valley 