MUST Preventing shoulder and knee pain

By Dr. Ira Shapiro

Director of the Plaza Chiropractic Center

Fall’s arrived with millions of people of every age engaging in their favorite sports.

However, never let enthusiasm overtake common sense. A summer of inactivity cannot be overcome by a few warm up drills or 10 minutes of stretching. Even our youngest athletes are susceptible to injury without preparing properly.

According to the National SAFE KIDS Campaign and the American Academy of Pediatrics, “more than 3.5 million children ages 14 and younger get hurt annually playing sports or participating in recreational activities.” Of this amount, more than 775,000 are treated in hospital emergency rooms.

As for the fall, a 2013 study by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) found that kids aged 5 – 18 suffered from approximately 1.5 million football- and soccer-related injuries. In terms of the problems themselves, 55 percent of all sports injuries are related to the knee, while shoulder injuries, including dislocations, sprains and strains, make up another 20 percent. As a result, approximately 30 million doctor visits a year are due to knee and shoulder injuries alone.

It’s also important to remember that injuries can occur to virtually anyone, no matter their age or fitness level. One false step or a bad twist at the wrong moment is all it takes to wind up with months of soreness and stiffness.

Furthermore, trauma isn’t the only cause of joint injuries, which can also occur when relatively small abnormal stresses are repeatedly placed on normal joints. Poor posture, the improper performance of tasks, or most commonly in sports, the repetitive stress placed on tendons, bones, and joints over time are common culprits. Unfortunately, these injuries are challenging to both diagnose and treat. Examples include tennis elbow, shoulder bursitis and tendinitis, swimmer’s shoulder, pitcher’s elbow, and runner and jumper’s knee.

Consequently, pain should never be ignored. It is a signal that something is wrong. In fact, even minor injuries, where swelling and pain generally subside after 48 – 72 hours, can cause nagging problems that persist for years. This is especially common with overuse injuries that develop slowly, gain in severity with each new trauma and grow increasingly difficult to heal without the proper treatment.

Increasing the flexibility and strength of these muscle groups and joints is crucial for preventing injuries and enjoying activities without pain and discomfort. This can be accomplished through the daily performance of any number of simple exercises. Follows is just a small sample of the hundreds of activities designed to improve strength, endurance and flexibility. The trick is finding the ones that work best for you.

One-arm front raises. This exercise can be performed with or without the use of light dumbbells. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Lift one arm at a time to eye level, only bending the elbow slightly. Lower and then repeat with other arm. Do 10 to 15 repetitions each side.

Upright dumbbell row. Stand straight with feet shoulder-width apart. Place arms in front of body with palms facing inwards. Pull dumbbells up until both elbows are at shoulder height. Hold this position, lower and repeat 10 to 15 times.

Calf raises. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Keep the back straight, stomach pulled in and neck aligned with the back. Slowly rise onto toes and hold. Lower till heel is back on the ground. Repeat 10 – 15 times.

Hip Raises

Lie on back with knees bent and feet flat on floor. Raise hips, hold and then extend left leg so that it’s in-line with your hips. Hold for a few seconds and lower leg and then back to the floor. Repeat 10 times before performing the same exercise on the right side.

For more information on obtaining a better, fitter and pain-free life filled with your favorite activities please contact the Plaza Chiropractic Center at 732-723-0023 or visit Our trained staff will be happy to work with you, no matter your age or condition, to develop a safe and effective wellness program that complements your life style and offers long-lasting fitness rewards.

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Dr. Ira A. Shapiro is the director of the Plaza Chiropractic Center, which he founded in Old Bridge, New Jersey in 1984. A two-time member of the U.S. Olympics medical staff, Throughout the past three decades, he has provided safe, gentle and effective chiropractic care to tens of thousands of patients ranging from community members to professional athletes competing at the highest international levels.