CRANBURY: Gourgaud Gallery to feature camera club photographers

Photos from Cranbury digital Camera Club (CdCC) photographers will be on display at the Gourgaud Gallery from Oct. 2 though Oct. 28.
The photos selected by the photographers for the show depict various themes and subject matter. The photographers are from Cranbury, Hightstown, Monroe, West Windsor and various other communities in Central Jersey. Their work has been on display at various galleries throughout New Jersey. Many of the photographers on display have had their work cited for awards by the NJFCC, PSA and other photography organizations.
The Cranbury digital Camera Club (CdCC) is a non-profit organization that has been in operation for almost 10 years. The organization concentrates on digital photographic techniques and methods. The organization’s goal is to provide an environment where amateurs and professionals can learn from each other to further develop their skills as photographers. Most of the members are from the Central Jersey area. Meetings are held twice each month on the second and fourth Wednesdays. The CdCC has more than 100 members.
The organization provides members with the opportunity to display their photos at various galleries and photo shows. Usually, at least one or possibly two shows a year are held for the photographers. Member competitions are held once a month during which the photographers get to present their work to be judged in a positive environment that fosters improvement. Once a month, invited guest speakers present various topics about their specialty to enhance the member’s photographic knowledge and methods.
There will be a “Meet the Photographers” reception at the gallery from 1 to 3 p.m. Sunday Oct. 2nd.
The artwork is for sale with 20 percent of each sale going to support the Cranbury Arts Council and its programs. Cash or a check made out to the Cranbury Arts Council is accepted as payment.
The gallery is located at Cranbury Town Hall, 23-A North Main Street (the old schoolhouse) in Cranbury, N.J. Hours are 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday and 1 to 3 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 2 and Oct. 16. 