Mayor seeks privilege of serving township again

To the editor: 
It has been a tremendous honor to have been elected to the Hillsborough Township Committee for the past nine years, and I have also had the great privilege of serving as Hillsborough mayor in 2009, 2010, 2013 and again this year. I welcome the opportunity to continue to work on behalf of our community by serving another three-year term on the Hillsborough Township Committee. Therefore, I am seeking re-election in November.
Transparency in local government has always been a very important piece of my governing philosophy, and as we approach Election Day, I believe that it is critical for the voters to be informed of my record as a township committeeman, and my position on the key issues that will impact our community both this year, and into the future.
Between now and Nov. 8, I will be taking the opportunity to ensure that the voters are aware of my record serving the community. As has been the case with my prior campaigns, I will be undertaking a walking campaign to visit directly with as many of you as possible. During this time, I will welcome the chance to hear directly from you on your feedback and questions and I will be sharing my ideas to ensure that Hillsborough remains a community of which we can all be proud.
I will be providing multiple letters to outline my plans and goals for Hillsborough’s future as well as my accomplishments in office. I am quite proud of what my Republican colleagues on the Township Committee and I have done for the betterment of Hillsborough and I look forward to sharing those accomplishments with you.
If you would like to know more about my background, platform and record, please visit my campaign website at You can also visit me on Facebook at my Re-Elect Mayor Frank DelCore in Hillsborough page.
It remains a tremendous honor to serve Hillsborough as mayor and township committeeman. I truly hope I have earned your trust during these past nine years, and you have my commitment that I will continue to always put Hillsborough first if I have the privilege of being re-elected. I look forward to the opportunity to continue to serve our community and continue to ensure that Hillsborough remains one of the best places to live in America. 
Mayor Frank DelCore 
Republican Candidate for Township Committee 