PRINCETON: Lempert knows the need for environmental stewardship and sustainability

Wendy Mager, Princeton
As a long-time environmentalist, I support the election of Liz Lempert to another term as mayor of Princeton. Liz has an informed and mature understanding of the interaction between our natural environment and the well-being of the community. She sees the big picture in relation to open space preservation, recognizing its connection with curbing flooding, clean air, temperature modulation, and the mental/physical health of the citizens of Princeton.
Liz recognizes that actually preserving land has to be given high priority in the use of our open space tax, because open space is a limited and disappearing resource. (The recent news articles about the University’s plans for Springdale Golf Course, long counted by many when calculating our “preserved” open space, highlight this point.) Liz well understands the tremendous leverage available from state, county and private sources to preserve land, and has been very successful in bringing money from other sources – particularly the County open space tax fund – to help fund our purchases.¶ Liz has been a strong supporter of Princeton’s efforts to implement principles of sustainability, resulting in awards and grants to our community. Having served with her on the board of Sustainable Princeton, I found her analysis and appreciation of the issues to be both sophisticated and practical. Under her leadership, the town has made and continues to make strides on sustainability issues such as energy conservation and use of fossil fuel alternatives. ¶ Liz was vigilant regarding the safety and environmental issues related to TRANSCO’s Leidy pipeline project, testifying at DEP hearings and making sure her staff was on top of developments and responsive to community concerns. She also recognized early on that there are serious and troubling issues surrounding the proposed, unnecessary PennEast pipeline that would go through preserved farms and open space and near homeowners’ wells, and supported a resolution opposing this project. ¶ We are fortunate to have Liz’s environmental knowledge and commitment available to help guide our town’s choices, now and in the future.
Wendy Mager
459 Cherry Hill Road