Writer questions Hillary Clinton’s actions

Federal laws make it a felony to intentionally conceal, remove or destroy federal records as defined under the act, punishable with a fine and imprisonment of up to three years.

Here are the most frequently cited laws that may have been violated by Hillary Clinton:

• Executive Order 13526 and (a portion) of the federal code make it unlawful to send of store classified information on personal email.

According to the FBI, Mrs. Clinton only had several private severs and none were official federal electronic mail severs. That means Mrs. Clinton sent and received to the President, FBI, CIA, NSA, approved CIA drone assassinations with her cellphone and matters of national security. Her government work business was done in her private servers. That is against the law, period. Any other explanation is irrelevant.

• Section 1236.22 of the 2009 National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) requirements states that: “Agencies that allow employees to send and receive official electronic mail messages using a system not operated by the agency must ensure that federal records sent or received on such systems are preserved in the appropriate agency record keeping system.”

All these people involved in this case knew it and signed the appropriate paperwork.

By using her own private email server, her own personal email account and her own personal devices for communication, Mrs. Clinton avoided the Freedom of Information Act and President Barack Obama’s Executive Order 13526.

Since when did Mrs. Clinton’s private home, her lawyer’s office and the Platt River Networks become official federal government premises? The law was violated.

A single conviction also carries a devastating impact for anyone looking to work again in government because the law declares that any violator “shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States.”

Violet Peterson