Bronfeld believes in the excellence of the Princeton Public Schools

Beverly Kuo-Hamilton, Princeton
I am writing to support Debbie Bronfeld for this coming Board of Education election this November. I have known Debbie for over 10 years; as a volunteer at school and as a friend. She is a true supporter of the Princeton Public Schools and a true believer of our town.
During our children’s elementary years, Debbie volunteered as room parent, library volunteer, garden club, field day and has been an integral part of the board on PTO. During her years as vice president of community service, she worked on service learning projects for each of the six grades at Littlebrook School, food drives with themes that operated all year long, clothing drives and UNICEF. The communication between her and the teachers and the parents was vital in order to be so successful.
During our children’s time at John Witherspoon and PHS, she was integral in the annual Book Fair, engaged in Super Saturday, and volunteered to help with prom and PHS band events. Being a part of her children’s school lives was important, but I believe that through volunteering to be a part of her children’s lives, she discovered that she really wanted to make a difference in school.
She attended BOE meetings during the teacher contract negotiations as she wanted to voice her support for the teachers and for the programs for our younger children and those children coming up behind ours. She attended town meetings during the AvalonBay planning as the population entering would affect the population of our schools.
Her main platform is to preserve the quality of education to our students despite the growth in enrollment and the challenges of the school budget. She wants our school system to continue its success. And most importantly, she wants to ensure that each child is valued and each child is safe in our schools.
Debbie Bronfeld believes in the excellence of our schools and the commitment of our town and community. And I believe she would be an outstanding addition to Princeton’s Board of Education. 
Beverly Kuo-Hamilton 
Princeton 