Keep balance on Township Committee

To the editor: 
My name is Todd Brant, and I have had the honor and privilege to serve you as a member on the Hopewell Township committee for the past three years.
I am asking for your vote again in the Nov. 8 general election so we can continue to work on the promises we made three years ago to you: reduce our debt, improve transparency and communication with all residents, and focus on rebuilding our community spirit.
This election is critical to all fair-minded residents of Hopewell Township. If the current Democrat-controlled Township Committee gets just one more seat on the committee, it will have what is called a super majority. That means one party in total control, one voice dominating issues and one point of view representing all residents. For example, a super majority will be able to spend your hard-earned tax dollars without the concept of checks and balances. But your vote can stop one-party rule.
If you ask yourself what poor decisions can be made when a committee is under one party control, you only need to look as far as the unanimously controlled Democrat Freeholders. They originally voted to allow Penn East on county property to survey the land for the pipeline until in a Freeholder meeting in 2014, John Hart and my statement opposing their decision was read into record. John and my stance against Penn East is unwavering, and we continue to fight against the pipeline.
In order to ensure that everyone in the township has a vote and a voice, I ask you to keep the committee balanced by voting for both John Hart and Todd Brant on Nov. 8. 

Todd Brant 
Republican Candidate for Hopewell Township Committee