Two former chairpersons honored at memorial dedication

The Concerned Citizens Coalition of Long Branch (CCCLB) held a Memorial Plaque Dedication on Oct. 8 at the new Seaview Avenue Bridge in Long Branch to honor two deceased chairpersons of the Coalition.

Former Chairpersons Sharmaine Patterson and Julia Wheeler were honored for their efforts to bring about the remediation of a 17-acre gas plant site, Seaview Avenue Bridge and Troutman’s Creek, according to a press release.

Patterson organized CCCLB, with Wheeler as co-chairperson. When Patterson died, Wheeler became chairperson. During her tenure, Wheeler flew to Portland, Oregon, to address the International Brownfields Congress.

The CCCLB has been recognized by county, state, federal and international agencies for its success in assisting in getting the gas plant site, bridge and Troutman’s Creek cleaned up. Through lawsuits, 292 residents were compensated for medical injury, totaling $30 million, according to CCCLB’s press release.

CCCLB meets at 5 p.m. on the second and fourth Thursdays of the month at the Brookdale Community College Learning Center at Broadway and Third Avenue in Long Branch.