Blue line will honor police force

MANALAPAN – The members of the Township Committee will honor the Manalapan Police Department and show their support and appreciation for police officers by painting a blue line in the center of the double solid yellow lines in the road of the municipal complex.

“The community is very grateful for the service our police officers provide to Manalapan in keeping us safe and out of harm’s way as they protect and serve residents 24 hours a day, seven days a week,” Mayor Mary Ann Musich said.

“I am thankful to the Township Committee and to one resident in particular, Samantha Christ, who brought this idea to light after seeing how other municipal police departments were being recognized in the same fashion,” Police Chief Michael Fountain said.

“It is comforting to me as chief and to all of the officers to know we are strongly supported by our elected officials, our residents, the businesses in town and the community organizations. It gives us all great satisfaction in knowing the efforts we put in daily do not go unnoticed,” Fountain added.

The painting was scheduled to be completed on Oct. 11.