Resident supports Rodman in Manalapan

I would like to strongly endorse Kim Rodman for Manalapan Township Committee. She is a 10-year township resident with her husband and three sons. Kim is a highly dedicated and motivated woman who has the best interest and well being of all citizens of Manalapan in her heart. She has a proven track record of devotion and commitment to our town.

Kim is devoted to charitable causes and has founded Manalapan Helps, which assists local and needy families. Kim volunteers her time to help improve our township in many ways. She is a member of the Manalapan Special Needs Committee, a member of the Manalapan Recreation Advisory Board and serves on the Pine Brook School Executive Board. Her tireless efforts and dedication to the community, children and education is enviable.

Kim is a local small business owner. Her working knowledge will immediately aid local government to be responsive and meet a high standard of service every resident deserves. Her goal is to make Manalapan an even better place to live, work and raise a family. Her perspective is refreshing, yet she has the old fashioned values of hard work to accomplish one’s goals.

So am I biased in my support of Kim Rodman for Township Committee? Without question. Please join me on Nov. 8 in supporting Kim Rodman. She is an amazing woman of boundless energy who gets things done, has worked hard and selflessly for Manalapan, and who will most certainly continue to champion the needs of our entire community.

April Nichols