Candidate wants to be residents’ voice on committee

To the editor: 
“Transparency in local government has always been a very important piece of my governing philosophy …” (Frank Del Core, letter to the editor, Hillsborough Beacon, Sept. 30).
It may be time for Mr. Del Core to look up the meaning of the word “transparency.”
Transparency means the complete and thorough dissemination of facts, good or bad, relative to an issue. An elected official has the sworn obligation to his constituents to obtain all facts in a timely manner and to proactively take the actions necessary to inform the public and not wait until a catastrophe occurs to address a matter.
There was a lack of details provided in the failed Township Committee’s referendum effort to divert open space funds, no effort to obtain and share information in the application filed for the opening of the off-track wagering facility and the complete failure to inform the public regarding the ongoing unacceptable conditions and fire code violations that precipitated the catastrophic fire this year at the VA Depot. Mr. Del Core has, time and time again, left the residents in Hillsborough in the dark. This fire impacted the health and safety of our residents, EMT and firefighters.
These examples clearly demonstrate that Mr. Del Core, who has been on the Township Committee for nine years, has failed to be transparent.
I believe it is time for a new strong, independent voice to be on the Township Committee. A voice that will base decisions on the facts, not politics, of the matter. Someone who will listen to all sides of an issue and find solutions that are sensible and acceptable. And insure that Hillsborough residents will never be kept in the dark about the issues that affect them every day.
I respectfully submit I will be that voice and look forward to being the voice of all Hillsborough’s residents, serving on the Township Committee. 

Laurie Poppe 
Democratic Candidate for Hillsborough Township Committee 