Clinton is ready to be president

To the editor: 
Donald Trump clearly does not understand what his depiction of women as dogs, disgusting, pigs, etc., does to the American culture. His defense of his language is two-fold: that “Bill Clinton has said much worse” and it is actually “just locker room language”
Bill Clinton is not the candidate (said many times).
Any system of personal moral judgement would not allow the transfer of responsibility for these words from the perpetrator (Bill Clinton) to another person. (Hillary Clinton). Yet this is actually what Trump has done.
His “locker room language” defense is firstly an appalling indictment ofany male who uses this type of facility.
Finally, his apology is superficial. He says constantly he wants to make America great again. Rather, we need to help each other in developing our spiritual lives. We need to guide our children to live in a multi-racial, multi-religious society. The broad spectrum of different groups Donald Trump has criticized or made fun of defeats that purpose.
It is Hillary Clinton’s own spirituality (which she guards closely) that directs her to meet the needs of children, women and families (fathers, too).
She has faults but she is clearly ready to be president and commander-in-chief. He isn’t. 

Amadeo d’Adamo 
Hillsborough 