Learn about CVS plans for new store

To the editor: 
As many neighbors are aware CVS has been laying out its plan for a store located at the corner of Route 31 and Ingleside Avenue in Hopewell Township since March 30 of this year. They’ve puffed and postured and professed to be our “Great White Hope.” Meanwhile some nearly six and a half months later they are still here with their seemingly endless puffing and posturing and our citizens, “the opposers,” have yet to be able to make our case.
They pretend to hear our concerns and respond with minuscule changes to feign at appearing conciliatory, but they still want to invade our community with their giant signs on their giant building, full of giant boxes, brought in on giant trucks and yes, insane amounts of lighting so neighbors can witness the entire circus.
While I am not opposed to CVS as a brand, they have no business in our community that is already serviced by four pharmacies within a 1-mile radius of this location. Our community members have come out in droves to now three hearings that have been scheduled and rescheduled by CVS. Our concerns are clear:
This property is zoned RESIDENTIAL. The current business predates the zoning ordinance. So, unless you are an enterprise conducting a similar level of business OR a buyer interested in constructing one or two homes, you don’t have any business at this corner.
Dramatically increasing the volume of traffic at an already busy intersection poses a severe threat to the safety of our citizens — many whose 25 mph RESIDENTIAL streets will become cut-throughs for CVS patrons trying to avoid Route 31.
The current business operates roughly 12 hours/day, six days/week with Saturdays being VERY slow. The proposed CVS would operate about 18 hours/day, seven days/week with DAILY deliveries via truck. This translates to an additional 72 hours/week of noise pollution.
The current business has approx. three exterior lights for security purposes that shine from dusk until dawn. CVS’s plan includes a massive amount of exterior security lighting as well as illuminated signage both on the building and free standing that will spill into neighbor’s homes.
We want our greater community to be informed about this application and educated about the zoning process. On Oct. 19 at 7 p.m. in Morrell Hall at the Pennington United Methodist Church, Concerned Citizens Against CVS is offering a Zoning 201 informational meeting for our residents in preparation for the next hearing. The next CVS hearing will take place on Oct. 25 at 7 p.m. at the Hopewell Township Municipal Building. Please consider joining us at both events.
Check us out at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/noCVS31/ 

Catherine Fulmer-Hogan 
CCAC Team Member Hopewell Township 